Posts Tagged ‘peace’

As we approach Christmas, I wanted to share a piece that my husband wrote.  God laid the idea on his heart and he was faithful to write it. ~ Tami, Media Specialist

At this time of year so much goes through our minds (and hearts), about family, friends, all those pretty shiny things, whatever money situation you may be facing, and for many how lonely they may feel. Take it from an “ole salt” that has spent plenty of time dealing with all the above. Often we tend to have a rather narrow perspective on this season of celebration and joy. We should remind ourselves of the reason for such celebration and remembrance. With that perspective in mind, let us continue.
There was this mother who was with child. Accompanying her was this gentleman. Talk about being courageous, he did these things solely based on faith. For the child was not of his loin. They traveled to a place away from their home for the sole purpose of being counted for a census. Uprooted from their home, in the middle of the winter, by the government. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Why of course not. When they arrived at their destination there was no room for them anywhere with clean sheets or a warm bed. So they found a spot in a barn to rest from their long journey. I bet there are some marines and soldiers that wished they had it so good at times. By the way, where this man and woman were traveling there were no friends to share a meal with, no family to spend the night with, not even a friendly face to greet them.
As if all this wasn’t enough, during this night the child was born. With no doctor to call upon, no delivery nurse to assist them, no hospital to go to, or an ambulance to call. Upon the birth of this child, they wrapped the child in strips of cloth and then placed him in a vessel that livestock normally eat from. Where was child services? What, no health care? Surely someone must have contacted a lawyer to begin litigation against the inn keeper that turned them away. No!?!? Even so they did the best with what was provided.
Folks in that land must have gotten really excited about the birth of new babies because shepherds and Kings alike came to celebrate the birth of the baby. The angels sang and trumpets were sounded for all to hear. The Kings that came brought precious gifts to present to the boy King. The shepherds paid homage and gave thanks for the new King. When they were all done, the shepherds went back to the fields and the kings back to their home lands. It was strange that the shepherds didn’t occupy whatever “Wall Street” in the city they were in. They didn’t protest the fact the kings had gifts to bring and they did not. No one rioted or committed crimes against anyone. They gave gifts, praise, and thanks and went home. What a strange concept.
Though there was one who had evil in his heart upon the birth of the boy King. He requested from the other kings that brought gifts that they let him know where the boy King was so that he could also pay his respects. The wise kings realized later the jealous angry nature within him and took another route home to avoid this man. This did not dissuade the angry man from his evil thoughts. Therefore he sent out his soldiers to put all children two and under of that region to death. Yet the ACLU was not there to prevent this, or seek retribution for injustices that were committed.
Even so the man that had evil in his heart did not prevail. The father packed up the boy King and mother, and went off to a far away land. They stayed there until the jealous angry man had passed away. When he did they still were unable to go home. So they settled in a place called Nazareth.
The boy King is Jesus of Nazareth. Of course you figured that out by now. Through the faith of these wonderful people, who our Father knew their hearts brought and welcomed our King into this world. They did so with praise, homage, and worship. With His birth and resurrection we have learned that hope springs eternal. Hope is there for all those who seek out the Father and His son Jesus. That hope combined with faith makes one’s life blessed beyond compare. The shepherds, Kings, Mary and Joseph had faith in what was shown to them, and not in their own understanding. The distance traveled, inconveniences, separations, and attitude of others did not convince them to be lazy, complain, or seek out assistance from any government. Our Father provided all that they needed, just as He does today. Father also gave us someone that is with us always, even to the end of the world.
No matter our disposition this holiday season, we have every reason to give thanks, every reason to smile, every reason to rejoice in our families and others, and every reason to celebrate the birth of our King. Father has endowed us with faith, hope and the greatest gift of all love! Not only to be celebrated during this season, but throughout all the seasons. The world has become more “sophisticated”, where folks say “it just isn’t that simple”, actually it is that simple. Belief is simple, faith is simple, receiving and giving love is that simple. There is no shiny thing of any kind that could out shine our Father’s love. After a couple thousand years since our King was born faith, hope and love haven’t changed. No version seven point whatever, no new and improved type, they have always been 3D so no upgrade there is necessary. All for free with no black Friday shenanigans to partake in.
Hope, faith and love shall make all things new! Rejoice, rejoice, sound the trumpets and sing for the birth of our King Jesus Christ. “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11

Her ways are pleasant ways,

and her paths are peace.

Proverbs 3:17

The fruit of the spirit is love,

peace, patience, kindness,

faithfulness, gentleness

and self-control.

Galatians 5:22